About Us

Resus Nelson Ltd

Natalie Gallagher – RGN.
Registered Nurse: NCNZ -152397

New Zealand Resuscitation Council CORE Instructor
Membership: New Zealand Nursing Organisation
College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand

Resus Nelson Ltd is a member of the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce.

Natalie has over 25 years experience in emergency nursing and currently works part time in Nelson Emergency Department as a Registered Nurse.

She has taught CPR and resuscitation for over 15 years.

She is accredited by the New Zealand Resuscitation Council to provide basic life support training through to advanced cardiac life support CORE CPR courses.

Natalie has a passion for teaching, developing in clinical and non-clinical teams and individuals, the capability and confidence to respond to emergency situations within their workplace and community. Custom design courses to provide scenario based training which targets the specific needs of their client’s teams.

Organisational culture

The driving force behind the business is knowing we can make a positive difference to the community.

We are passionate about educating others through knowledge and skills to care for the acutely unwell person, aimed at optimising the outcome.

We value teamwork and endeavour to provide a supportive, cohesive and nurturing environment where we can all thrive and develop to our full potential.

We take pride in maintaining a high standard of professionalism whilst creating a fun learning environment that is a pleasure to be part of.

Above all, we are committed to our customers and to the service we provide.


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Thank you for taking the CPR level 4 update last week. Your session was not only very informative but great fun with lots of humour. After 32 years of CPR updates I didn't think there would a lot more to learn, how wrong I was. This would have to be the most enjoyable CPR session I have attended. Thank you again. I will look forward to the next update. - W Martin, Practice Nurse